I would like to take the opportunity to express my utmost sincere gratitude to our treasurer, Dr. Jane Chen. She meticulously and singlehandedly, word for word, translated the multiple official and medical forms at the African Center into Chinese; so that our fellow Chinese patients at the free clinic will understand all the details of those pertinent forms and be able to relate their clinical histories and symptoms to our attending physicians. Consequently, appropriate diagnoses and treatments can be rendered to them. Furthermore, Dr. Chen has been contributing tremendously to ICMA in many ways behind the scenes. It has been an honor and joy to work with her because of her integrity, hard work and amiable personality.
Gonzalo T. Chua MD, FACR
President's Mid-Year Update
To my colleagues,
Since my election in early February to the Presidency of ICMA, many events have taken place. I researched and visited several Free Clinics and finally found a willing collaborator in the CEO of the African Community International. He offered us his space in the community clinic at 3737 North Meridian for our Free Clinic. We are operating under the banner "Asian Health Initiative, Community Clinic." We started last month and had 12 patients on our first clinic day. Our next clinic day will be on Friday, July 30, 2010 from 2:00-5:00 PM. So far, we have Drs. Peggy Hu, Han Xinqiang, David Yan, Stephen He as volunteer clinicians and I will serve as coordinator, office clerk and Ultrasonographer. Dr. Jane Chen and Dr.Hong Ma will help in the patient registration and history taking. I appealed to the different Chinese organizations and have received good responses for office help. Our need now is PHYSICIAN VOLUNTEERS!
We had a successful Free consultation in April at IUPUI and also had a Financial CME. Our next CME will be in October and possibly another Free Consultation at Carmel High School.
We on the board would like to have a Christmas get together and need your input. Would you like to meet in a restaurant or a club house that we would rent and have a pitch-in dinner?
Please email me if you can volunteer as a Physician on Friday afternoon or Saturday mornings. Also, let me know if you would like the get together at a restaurant or pitch-in at a club house.
Thank you,
Gonzalo T. Chua MD, FACR
Since my election in early February to the Presidency of ICMA, many events have taken place. I researched and visited several Free Clinics and finally found a willing collaborator in the CEO of the African Community International. He offered us his space in the community clinic at 3737 North Meridian for our Free Clinic. We are operating under the banner "Asian Health Initiative, Community Clinic." We started last month and had 12 patients on our first clinic day. Our next clinic day will be on Friday, July 30, 2010 from 2:00-5:00 PM. So far, we have Drs. Peggy Hu, Han Xinqiang, David Yan, Stephen He as volunteer clinicians and I will serve as coordinator, office clerk and Ultrasonographer. Dr. Jane Chen and Dr.Hong Ma will help in the patient registration and history taking. I appealed to the different Chinese organizations and have received good responses for office help. Our need now is PHYSICIAN VOLUNTEERS!
We had a successful Free consultation in April at IUPUI and also had a Financial CME. Our next CME will be in October and possibly another Free Consultation at Carmel High School.
We on the board would like to have a Christmas get together and need your input. Would you like to meet in a restaurant or a club house that we would rent and have a pitch-in dinner?
Please email me if you can volunteer as a Physician on Friday afternoon or Saturday mornings. Also, let me know if you would like the get together at a restaurant or pitch-in at a club house.
Thank you,
Gonzalo T. Chua MD, FACR
2010 Spring Free Clinical Consultation
The ICMA Free Consultation started promptly at 1:00PM, April 18, 2010 in Room 165 at the IUPUI Engineering Building. Physician members representing Family Medicine were Dr. Peggy Hu; Diagnostic Radiology, Dr. Gonz Chua; Radiation Oncology, Dr. Benny Ko; Dentistry, Dr. Jane Chen; Cardiology, Dr. Xinqiang Han; Neurology, Dr. James Zhang; and two volunteer nurses from Dr. Peggy Hu's office. Dr. Hong Ma, a recently licensed physician, was also on board.
Approximately 24 patients with dental problems, medical problems like hypertension, osteoporotic fractures were seen. They were all in stable condition. Blood pressure measurements and glucose levels were also obtained. Appropriate consults and instructions for follow up with their respective practitioners were given.
The clinic ended at 3:00PM followed by a short meeting and assessment of the day's activity. It was felt to be successful with a good turnout. Plans in the future to attract the underserved restaurant workers were discussed. The group ended the day with a group picture for a job well done. My sincere thanks to the members of ICMA for their efforts.
Gonzalo T. Chua, MD FACR
President, ICMA
Approximately 24 patients with dental problems, medical problems like hypertension, osteoporotic fractures were seen. They were all in stable condition. Blood pressure measurements and glucose levels were also obtained. Appropriate consults and instructions for follow up with their respective practitioners were given.
The clinic ended at 3:00PM followed by a short meeting and assessment of the day's activity. It was felt to be successful with a good turnout. Plans in the future to attract the underserved restaurant workers were discussed. The group ended the day with a group picture for a job well done. My sincere thanks to the members of ICMA for their efforts.
Gonzalo T. Chua, MD FACR
President, ICMA