The annual party started around 6:30pm. The current president, Dr. Wang-Joy gave a report for 2009. A small gift was presented to Dr. Patrick Lau and his wife Mrs. Lau for their great dedication to ICMA during the past 2-3 years. As they move on due to family reason, they will be greatly missed here in Indy for their great sense of humor, knowledge and grace. It was announced that three board members will complete their terms, including Dr. Wang-Joy, Dr. Hua Luo and Dr. Patrick Lau. Dr. Peggy Hu, Dr. Gonzalo Chua, and Dr. Xinqiang Han will be the next board members along with current ones on board, Dr. Jane Chen and Dr. David Yan.
Dr. Jane Chen gave a brief financial report.
Before dinner, our Taichi Master, Zhao Chen, gave a summarized presentation about the Philosophy of Taichi, and demonstrated a few movements, which certainly helped spike up the members' appetite.
The potluck dinner was wonderful and tasty.
The entertainment for the evening started with two great dances from ICPAI. The dancers' stunningly beautiful performance was greatly appreciated. Three of our seniors brought to us a hilarious skit, "flatulence routine". It was such a great medical humor.
The rest of the evening was filled with Karaoke songs and laughter.
As a local volunteer based medical association, ICMA looks forward to continuing serving the Chinese and Asian community with it's variety of physicians, and culture background.
Qin Wang-Joy